MOBILE - 0412 052 163

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Gentle Chiropractic Care

chiropractic careRheumatoid arthritis can be a crippling condition that can leave joints red, hot and swollen, making it painful to move and interfere with normal life. Spine Scan is not the cure for such a condition, however, chiropractic and Trigenics treatment can help improve the symptoms and quality of life for many patients.

Want Help?

Are you sick of stiff, painful joints? You miss playing sport or taking the dogs for a walk? Are you sick of your arthritis preventing you from doing the things you once loved to do? Call the practice now on (08) 61508783 to arrange an appointment with Perth Chiropractor, Dr. Adam Rocchi, and find out if chiropractic can help you with your arthritis.

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition, meaning that the body’s immune cells get confused and begin to attack other cells within the body. It is more common in women, typically between the ages of 25 and 50, although it may also start in children. No one really knows what causes rheumatoid arthritis, although a genetic component is suspected, along with environmental factors such as recent infection or an illness. It primarily targets synovial joints, such as the smaller joints of the hands and feet. In some cases, other parts of the body may also be affected, such as the skin, lungs, heart and blood vessels.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors are experts in the diagnosis, management and treatment of neuro-musculoskeletal conditions. Chiropractors help a range of conditions by safely improving joint range of motion, flexibility and endurance, muscle tone and strength. Spine Scan treatment aims to gently decrease stiffness within the joint that has built up due to immobilization and pain, as well as relaxing muscles and other surrounding structures that may have also seized up. Often joint stiffness is a result of he the body trying to adapt to neuromuscular weakness around that same joint. The gentle techniques of Trigenics will most often improve this problem first visit. Further treatments follow in an attempt to “retrain the brainand enable the correct pathways within the nervous system to be enabled for a long time.

Often times the resulting muscle stiffness can result in changes that affect other muscles and joints at sites distant from where the inflammation is taking place through disruption of what is known at the kinematic chain. We focus on the assessment of your whole body leading to more comprehensive relief, rather than just a “localized symptoms” based approach.

The treatment techniques used will vary depending on each individual, as not all are always appropriate for everyone. However the Trigenics and instrument adjusting approach used at Spine Scan can help a wide variety of problems.

We can also help by providing education, ergonomic advice, rehabilitation exercises, icing and heating advice and nutritional and supplementation support.

Food Triggers

A key component of managing chronic inflammation in conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis is through nutrition and supplementation. Certain food triggers may not only exacerbate the condition but may also predispose you to a variety of other health conditions such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes type II. Sugar is one of those foods. This is because sugar has been shown to trigger the release of cytokines, a pro-inflammatory messenger that may increase inflammatory effects. Remember, on food labels, sugar goes by many names. It is often referred to as fructose or sucrose. Other foods that have been shown to increase inflammation effects include saturated fats (such as in our pizzas, cheese, pastas and produced meats); trans fats (such as in fried foods, cookies, donuts and crackers); MSG; aspartame (an artificial sweetener found in many soft drinks) and alcohol.

As part of his treatment, Dr Rocchi ( chiropractor ) can assist you by providing nutritional advice and support. Eating more greens and vegetables, increasing fish intake to increase omega-3, taking vitamin supplements to maximize cellular health and trying a lectin free diet in some cases are common recommendations made to help minimize arthritis effects.

Call us now to see if chiropractic can help you to live more comfortably with your arthritis. Call the practice now on (08) 6150873 to arrange an appointment.


(1) “Chiropractic treatment and rheumatoid arthritis.”  ISIS Chiropractic Centres.  Accessed at:  Accessed on: 12th March 2016.

(2) Vann, Madeline.  “Should you go to a chiropractor for rheumatoid arthritis?” Everyday Health.  Last updated: 1/24/2013.  Accessed at:  Accessed on: 12th March 2016.

(3) Baxter, Sara. “Healing With Chiropractic Medicine”. Arthritis Foundation. Accessed at:  Accessed on: 12th March 2016.

(4) “8 Food Ingredients That Can Cause Inflammation.” Arthritis Foundation.  Accessed at:  Accessed on: 12th March 2016.

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Spine Scan

Unit 201, 94 Mill Point Road
South Perth
Western Australia
Phone: 0412 052 163

Monday 7:30am - 7:30pm
Wednesday 7:30am - 7:30pm
Friday 7:30am - 7:30pm

Free parking directions available from our friendly staff upon request.