Perth chiropractor, Dr Adam Rocchi, commonly sees runners in his practice. We sat him down and got his top tips for avoiding injury and improving your performance. 1. Be consistent in your running. People running 10kms on the weekend with nothing during the week are more likely to injure themselves than someone who is running […]
Free Infographic: Common Golf Injuries & How To Avoid Them
Dr Adam Rocchi, our chiropractor here at Spine Scan sees many people with golf injuries. Drawing on his work and his knowledge of muscle and postural neurology we’ve put together this free infographic to highlight common golf injuries and how you can reduce them. Feel free to use this infographic on your website or to […]
Probiotics and Inflammation Within The Body
In 2015, the Global Probiotics market size was almost A$28 billion (USD 36.6 billion) and is anticipated to rise to approximately A$49 billion (USD 64 billion) by 2023 according to figures published by Global Market Insights Inc on the website PRN Newswire¹. This phenomenal growth is attributed to research that has demonstrated the benefits of […]
Golf Injuries Pt 3 – Balance, Proprioception and Whole Body Integration
So far in this series of 3 articles we’ve looked in depth at shoulder injuries in golf and how to overcome them. We also looked at your low back and how the interaction between weak muscles and shortened muscles predisposes many golfers to injury, and at very least causes them to perform at a lower […]
Golf Injuries Pt.2 – Is Your Low Back Ruining Your Handicap?
November and December have been great months for golfers in Australia with the Australian Open and then the World Cup of Golf being held in Melbourne. Also, congratulations to Curtis Luck, WA’s Sports Star of the Year. Following on from our article on shoulder function and how it can affect your swing, to help you […]
Golf Injuries Pt.1 – Shoulder Injuries
We have just had the Australian Golf Open and to celebrate we’re going to be doing a series of in-depth articles on the muscle activities during the golf swing and how each of them can generate problems. In this first article we’re going to look at the rotator cuff in the shoulder and how it […]
How Endurance Events Push the Body to Its Limits and How Niggles Can Become Overuse Injuries
Endurance events are a test to both the mind and the body. They require not only physical stamina and endurance, but also the mental drive and determination to keep going when things start to get tough. Although it may seem less forceful than more explosive sports such as weight lifting or rugby, sports injuries can […]
AFL Injuries
AFL, or Aussie rules, is well known for its high incidence of sports injuries. There is a significant amount of physical contact, however unlike rugby union or gridiron, no protective padding is worn. At Spine Scan we are familiar with all kinds of sports injuries, and are used to treating everyone from the young players […]
Golf: Improving Strength, Flexibility and Balance for Greater Golf!
Golf is not at all an easy sport. Proper technique and conditioning is essential to not only improving golf performance but also to minimise the risk of injury. Low back injuries are particularly common amongst players, accounting for 63% of all injuries in professional golfers. Are you suffering an injury that is preventing you from […]
Disc Problems and Neck Pain – Why Is It There and What Can I Do About It?
Neck pain is a very common, but none the less a very debilitating problem. Between 10 and 23% of Australians suffer from this condition every year, and because of its pervasive nature, valuable work and family time is often lost for the sufferer of neck pain. This contributes to the growing socioeconomic burden, and therefore […]