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Archive | Neck Pain

Text Neck: An Epidemic of The Modern Era of Mobile Devices

Forward Head Posture, Anterior Head Carriage or Text Neck, is a repetitive stress injury or an overuse syndrome resulting from your head hanging forward and staring down at your cell phone, tablet, or other mobile devices for a prolonged period of time. Holding a mobile device in this position creates excessive amounts of tension in the deep muscles of the […]

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The Importance of Normal Neck Curves

What is Cervical Kyphosis? In the cervical spine, or neck, consists of seven distinct bones, known as the cervical vertebrae. Under normal circumstances, the cervical spine has a curve with the apex towards the front of the body, known as lordotic curvature or lordosis. However, poor posture while standing or sitting down and increasingly when […]

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Treating Neck Pain

Your neck consists of the seven vertebrae at the top of your spine, along with an intricate network of small tendons, ligaments, and muscles. All of these structures work together to support and move your head in many directions. Neck pain is a common occurrence with a number of possible causes, including: The easiest cause […]

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Spine Scan

Unit 201, 94 Mill Point Road
South Perth
Western Australia
Phone: 0412 052 163

Monday 7:30am - 7:30pm
Wednesday 7:30am - 7:30pm
Friday 7:30am - 7:30pm

Free parking directions available from our friendly staff upon request.